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Home News Americas the focus of the latest FVLA and FISU Student Ambassadors webinar

Americas the focus of the latest FVLA and FISU Student Ambassadors webinar

1 December 2022

November 28th saw the latest cultural webinar for FISU Student Ambassadors and the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy (FVLA) community, this version about the countries of FISU America. This series of sessions are organised to educate participants on culture, history, people, and sport about the regions of the world.

Alim Maluf Neto, President of FISU America, brought greetings which then led to the session’s moderator, Costa Rican Anderson Taylor, taking the reigns. Taylor spoke to the group about his home of Costa Rica. He highlighted the importance and range of biodiversity that exists in this country of just over 5 million people and 51,179 km2, that has seven provinces and is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Taylor also spoke broadly about the Americas and how they extend from the north to south poles and are home to the most varied climatic conditions and the widest range of animal biodiversity in the world.

Screenshot 2022 11 28 at 21.11.41The most northernly country in the Americas, Canada, was presented by Mia Landry. She spoke of Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories while also introducing the country’s three groups of Indigenous peoples, the Inuit, Métis, and First Nations. She also discussed Canada’s sporting culture including its professional sports teams across hockey, basketball, soccer, football, baseball, and lacrosse.

Chile was introduced by Jose Tomas Pacheco. The home to the largest population of Palestinians outside of Asia, it also touches on the three continents of South America, Antarctica, and Oceania because of the Easter Islands. He noted that a handshake, warm hug, and one kiss on the right cheek are common greetings among friends, though to be prepared for Chileans to be 30 minutes late.

Bruno Rabelo spoke about the largest country in South America, Brazil. Its 26 states and one federal district are divided into five regions. This Portuguese speaking country has many traditional festivals enjoyed by its joyful, spontaneous, cheerfully good-humoured and football loving citizens.

An introduction to Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, was delivered to the group by Erwind Martinez Chico. In the north of SouthScreenshot 2022 11 28 at 21.54.27 America and on the Caribbean Sea, Venezuela is neighbour to six other countries while also being near to multiple islands. He underlined the country’s traditions in dance, music, and food and noted that the stars in the yellow, blue, and red national flag represent the eight regions of the country.

Anderson Taylor also took time to speak about the upcoming FISU World Forum, taking place 5-9 December in Cartago, Costa Rica, at which many FISU Student Ambassadors will be participating. The theme of this FISU Forum will be “University Sport as a Driver for Sustainable Development”, with sub-themes including good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, and reduction of inequalities.

The last cultural webinar is scheduled for March of 2023 with a focus on the countries of FISU Oceania.

Written by Doug McLean