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Home News FISU awards 43 Universities with Healthy Campus labels

FISU awards 43 Universities with Healthy Campus labels

27 May 2022

From left to right: Leonz Eder, FISU Acting President, Pierre Pfefferlé, UNIL-Director of Sports Services, Benoît Frund, UNIL-Vice-Rector, and Éric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General and CEOToday, FISU granted 43 universities involved in its Healthy Campus program with a certification label. Eighteen of them received the “Platinum” label, the highest level of certification. The award ceremony – the first of its kind – took place at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).


Launched by FISU in May 2020, the Healthy Campus program is a certification process for universities in the field of health and well-being in all its aspects.


FISU has determined 100 criteria with a group of international experts to contribute to most of the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations.


The program also focuses on criteria such as gender equality, reducing inequalities, increasing inclusion, clean and affordable energy, sustainable community development, responsible consumption and production, climate action, partnerships and synergies between internal and external partners on campus.


“Healthy Campus contributes to a comprehensively healthy, diverse and attractive environment for students,” said FISU Acting President Leonz Eder.


“The formal awarding of the first Healthy Campus labels fills us with gratitude and pride. We are extremely appreciative for the valuable partnership universities have provided. And we are proud to have convinced many stakeholders of the importance of health being much more than the absence of disease,” he added. 




Currently, the Healthy Campus program has 94 registered universities in the world.


Host of the ceremony, the ULB was awarded the Platinum label. It is the first Belgian university to receive this award.


Additional photos available here (credit: FISU)


The 43 universities certified “Healthy Campus”, and their respective labels:


Certified with Platinum label


Université libre de Bruxelles


Université de Genève   


Université de Lausanne – UNIL              


Universidade da Maia (ISMAI) & Instituto Politécnico da Maia (IPMAIA) – Campus Académico              


Universidade do Minho – Campus de Gualtar e Campus de Azurém          


Universidade do Porto – Pólo Asprela; Pólo campo Alegre; Pólo centro    


University of Antwerp


University of Coimbra – Estádio Universitário de Coimbra             


University of Doha for Science and Technology  – UDST  


Waterford Institute of Technology – Waterford Institute of Technology


Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo – IPVC 


King’s College London – The Strand        


Myongji University – Natural Science Campus at Yong-in


Peking University           


Politécnico de Leiria     




Trinity College Dublin – Trinity College   


RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)          


Certified with Gold label


ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon      


Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona      


Universität Luzern         


University of Milano-Bicocca – Bicocca  


University of the Algarve            


Certified with Silver label


University of Turin – Università degli Studi di Torino         


University of Aveiro      


ITMO University – ITMO University         


Privolzhsky Research Medical University – Студенческий городок Приволжского исследовательского медицинского университета         


Siberian State Medical University / Сибирский Государственный Медицинский Университет – Кампус ФГБОУ ВО СибГМУ Минздрава России   




Bashkir State Medical University – Башкирский государственный медицинский университет


Certified with Bronze label


UNLaM – Universidad Nacional de La Matanza – UNLaM


Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism       


Universidad de Santiago de Chile            


Murdoch University – Murdoch 


University of Johannesburg  – Four Campuses: Kingsway, Soweto, Doornfontein and Bunting Road Campuses


University of St.Gallen – University Sports




Donghua University – 东华大学 – Songjiang – 松江校区 


Instituto Politécnico de Beja  – Campus do IPBeja             


Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University – Meduza 


Siberian Federal University / Сибирский федеральный университет – Campus of Siberian Federal University           


The University of Western Australia – UWA         


UniRV – Universidade de Rio Verde – Campus Rio Verde


University of Split – Sveučilište u Splitu – Studentski kampus Split