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Home News Final day of 2020 FISU World University Speed Skating Championship cancelled

Final day of 2020 FISU World University Speed Skating Championship cancelled

13 March 2020

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LAUSANNE, Switzerland – Due to the rapidly developing situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the final day of the 2020 FISU World University Speed Skating Championship taking place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has been cancelled. The decision was made to protect the health and safety of athletes, coaches, officials and the public at large.


A statement received from the local organising committee reads: “In accordance with the advice from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) as well as the National Olympic Committee regarding COVID-19, the Organising Committee has decided to cancel the last day of the 2020 FISU World University Speed Skating Championship, as of the evening of Thursday, 12 March.”


On Thursday evening, the Dutch government instructed organisers to cancel events involving over 100 people. Following this, the Dutch National Olympic Committee issued a statement urging the cancellation of all sporting events in the Netherlands, including all competition and practice events.

The International University Sports Federation (FISU) fully supports the local organising committee’s decision to cancel the last day of competition. After three successful days of the event, FISU also extends its appreciation to the Studentensport Nederland for its work in putting on the event.


FISU continues to closely monitor the global situation, with the federation strictly following government guidance for all of its events. FISU has informed its members of this development and will communicate regularly on this issue, during this challenging time.