Nearly 250 international student-athletes will gather at the “Kletterzentrum Innsbruck” (Innsbruck Climbing Center), the venue of the 2022 FISU World University Championship Sport Climbing, from 13 to 17 June.
The Austrian city, which has already hosted several international climbing competitions is considered a Mecca for lovers of this sport.
Organised by the University of Innsbruck together with Unisport Austria and the Austrian Climbing Federation, the Championship will include all three disciplines of Sport Climbing: Boulder, Lead and Speed.
Boulder requires power and technique: the competition takes place on a 4-metre-high wall equipped with safety mats. The athlete has to solve problems (routes) on four/five (round-dependent) boulders in the lowest number of attempts over a given period of time. The athlete who solves the most problems wins.
Lead combines height, endurance and strategy: athletes climb secured by a rope, one at a time, on an overhanging route with a 6-minute time limit. The athlete who reaches the highest point on a 15m wall – in one attempt – wins.
For Speed, climbers run up standardised parallel routes on a 15m wall, secured from above. The fastest climber wins.
Only two World University Championship Climbing have been held previously, in 2016 in Shanghai (CHN) and 2018 in Bratislava (SVK).
Tuesday 14 June
20:15 – 22:00 Speed Finals
Wednesday 15 June
10:00- 13:00 Lead Semifinals
19:00 – 22:00 Lead Finals
Friday 17 June
10:00 – 12:30 Boulder Semifinals
18:00 – 22:00 Boulder Finals followed by the closing ceremony